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quick guides, fun facts game and trait cards...

Fun and easy to follow Quick Guides are a terrific, quick and easy resource for the curious or seasoned handwriting expert (format: downloadable pdf available or a hardcopy can be mailed). Each Quick Guide is loaded with great examples and descriptions for various strokes/traits.
Also available is a great FUN FACTS GAME and several different Handwriting Trait playing cards.

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Handwriting Never Lies
A Graphology Dictionary and Resource Guide

this concise and easy-to-use guide is an invaluable tool for quickly identifying handwriting strokes, traits and behaviors. Illustrated with page after page of actual handwriting samples, this Dictionary and Resource Guide can help you quickly, accurately and systematically analysis handwriting. Paperback book is 323 pages.

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Quick Guide: Is He Cray Cray?

outlines some pretty specific strokes found in the handwriting of Mr. Cra Cra. Handwriting Analysis can spot the warning signs allowing you the knowledge to see any red flags and move on or buckle up and enjoy a relationship filled with games, betrayals, emotional heartaches, lies, stubbornness, endless arguments, possible financial loss or even worse... aggression.

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Quick Guide: Are You Sexually Compatible outlines how the lower loops in the letters 'g' and 'y' can reveal valuable information regarding sexual tendencies. This Quick Guide offers a brief summary of 22 different strokes that range from the perfect love stroke to the swinging leftward movement stroke found in the writer who needs constant change and variety.

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Quick Guide: Are You in for a Wild Ride outlines 12 upper zone stroke examples. The upper zone reveals information about a writer's creativity, imagination, intelligence, and religious aspirations. The upper zone also reveals the superego, the writer's outlook on the future, emotional stability and the upper part of the body. This is where you can tell whether the writer represses their feelings with a ‘forgive and forget’ attitude OR they enjoy holding on to a good grudge!

Quick Guide: Handwriting Can Help You Hire the Right Person outlines how understanding handwriting can help in the hiring process by providing valuable information that can help assure the person hired is the best candidate for the job. 

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Quick Guide: When It Comes to Sex...size does matter can be used as an excellent visual reference when trying to determine your lover’s physical, material and sexual needs. The lower zone in handwriting indicates physical and sexual energy. The average person produces two or three different loop (or straight-stroke) formations in the lower zone indicating a healthy, imaginative interest in sex. But watch out for the wide or malformed lower zone letters. 

Quick Guide: How to Spot Your Psycho Future EX outlines how Handwriting analysis can be an enormous help in identifying personality traits and greatly improve our insight into our own character and help identify our own needs, as well as, those of our partner. 

Quick  Guide: 
Handwriting Analysis

outlines a basic overview about handwriting. Handwriting Analysis can be used to identify forgeries, as well as, helping you hire the right person, finding a trustworthy baby-sitter, spotting a liar, a cheater, a narcissist, or even help you better understand your date before you mate and so much more.

Quick Guide: What Does You Letter 't' Say About You outlines how the lower case letter 't' is one of the most important letters in analyzing handwriting because it reveals more than 30 different personality character traits.

Quick Guide: Rate Your Date Before You Mate outlines how using Handwriting can help you find your perfect mate. Are they passive, aggressive, easy-going or easily irritated; intellectual, athletic or just prefer a more inactive, introverted life-style. These traits and so many more are seen in handwriting.

Quick Guide: What's Holding You Back? 11 Fears Shown in Handwriting outlines how changing your handwriting can change your life. Fear is paralysis of the body and soul. Fear is what stops us from taking action; action that could otherwise transform our lives in glorious ways. What's holding you back?

Handwriting Never Lies FUN FACTS GAME Curious to know what your handwriting says about you? This comparison game makes analyzing handwriting fun & easy. Simply compare your handwriting sample to the handwriting strokes in each section then refer to the back of back for a brief description of each trait. You'll never look at handwriting the same way again! 
Great for parties! (50/sheets per pad)

Handwriting Never Lies Trait Cards: currently we have three different decks of quick reference Trait Cards available. 

  • Basic Traits

  • Friend or Foe

  • Loves Me Loves Me No

Each deck includes 52 Trait Cards that show a handwriting example, a stroke explanation and a brief description of the trait associated with the stroke. These cards are an excellent visual resource for the beginner or seasoned handwriting expert.

Quick Guides - $5.00/each 
Fun Facts Game - $10.00/each (50 sheets per pad)
Handwriting Trait cards - $20/per deck (or 3 decks for $45)
Handwriting Never Lies A Graphology Dictionary and Resource Guide - $35.00/each
Please email me for questions and/or to purchase any of these items. 

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