Understanding your handwriting can help you better understand yourself, your partner, your career, your compatibility with others, your road-blocks, your strengths and your weaknesses. Let me show you what your handwriting says about you (or maybe what it says about the person you're sleeping or working with).
business benefits...

Handwriting Anaylsis can help you HIRE the right person—the FIRST TIME!
The use of handwriting analysis in the hiring process provides valuable information that can help ensure the person hired is the best fitted candidate for the job. Handwriting analysis earns an almost perfect score as a non-discriminatory employment test because it does not reveal gender,
religious affiliations, mode of dress, or age.
Handwriting analysis can answer these and many more questions about an applicant:
Will they follow rules?
Will they report to work on time?
Are they sensitive to criticism?
Can they meet a deadline?
Will they like working on a team?
Are they dependable?
Are they trustworthy?
Will they adapt and grow well within the company's culture?
For businesses to thrive in today’s economy, finding
and retaining the
best employees is important.

Frequent voluntary turnover has a negative impact on employee morale, productivity, and
company revenue.
A few of the services I offer include:
Executive-level graphology reports for upper management and board members
Large-scale employee screening in order to narrow candidate fields to the best few
Integrity screening for on-going security
Supporting Articles
Can Handwriting Identify Better Employees
By Ben Radford
Human: 05/02/2013
Can you predict a potential management hire's performance based on their handwriting?
Donald Trump uses Handwriting Experts!
By Mark Henricks
American Express Form 01/31/2013