Understanding your handwriting can help you better understand yourself, your partner, your career, your compatibility with others, your road-blocks, your strengths and your weaknesses. Let me show you what your handwriting says about you (or maybe what it says about the person you're sleeping or working with).

Announcing the
release of my new book.
Whoop Whoop!
Handwriting Never Lies
A Graphology Dictionary and Resource Guide
No matter your level of expertise in the study of Handwriting Analysis (Graphology) this concise and easy-to-use guide is an invaluable tool for quickly identifying handwriting strokes, traits and behaviors. Illustrated with page after page of actual handwriting samples, this Dictionary and Resource Guide can help you quickly, accurately and systematically analysis handwriting. Although hundreds of books have been writing on the subject, this book was written with the sole purpose of consolidating the facts and visual information into an abbreviated, practical, and comprehensive resource guide for the expert who is developing their interest in the science of graphology, as well as the curious novice.
This book offers an easy-to-follow design for quick and accurate reference and features:
A-Z individual letter forms with examples
A-Z character traits with examples
Communication letters
Love Letters
Secret Sex Traits
Hell Traits
Signs of Danger
Signs of Fear
Signs of Violence
Mental and Physical Traits
Substance Abuse Traits
Handwriting Fundamentals and Basic Elements
You can visit Amazon to purchase -- thanks!
Using the ancient and respected science of graphology, a handwriting analysis expert can reveal how a person thinks, feels and acts (or will act) just by looking at their handwriting sample.
Hidden in wide loops and
slanted letters are hints of
the writer's personality
and quirks revealing
the writer's faults,
fears, motivations,
temper, ambitions
and more. Although
no single
component can
define a person,
in handwriting
every stroke
equals a trait
and every
trait equals
a behavior.

What if your last partner was the "jealous" type and made your life simply miserable with their petty or incessive jealousy? If only there was a way of knowing if someone was the jealous type or had aggressive behavior or even worse had a cruel, mean nature. Handwriting analysis can be used for many purposes including: dating compatibility, better understanding your mate, career guidance, recruiting, hiring, and child development. And it can also reveal behavior, criminal intent and moral character.

Issues with the opposite sex

How well do you really know a person?
Handwriting can reveal if they are...
friend or foe
sane or lunatic
creative or drab
ambitious or lazy
committed or fickle
trustworthy or whether you should

Handwriting analysis can help identify our Superpowers as well as our kryptonite.

Handwriting analysis can help identify our Superpowers as well as our kryptonite.